Lost Ark has shot to the top of Steam’s most-played charts and now holds the service’s second-largest concurrent player peak, of 1.23 million players. But this popularity has also brought problems - meaning, server queues - and developer Smilegate has announced a somewhat unexpected solution. Rather than simply adding more servers, Smilegate now plans to add an “entirely new region of servers in Europe”, which it says is necessary “due to the game’s architecture”. “While we understand lengthy queue times may persist, we will need time to ensure everything is set up to be in top shape to help accommodate all players to get in game. We’ll share an update on exact timings as soon as possible.” Bringing an entirely new server region to the game should help server bottlenecks, but is not a straightforward fix. Many players may likely wish to continue on their existing Central Europe server as this is where region-wide features such as Royal Crystal and Silver balances will remain. Instead, Smilegate plans the new European server region as a home for new players, or those who don’t yet have a strong commitment to stay on their existing server. “If you plan to restart in the new region, you may wish to hold off on claiming any ‘per Account’ items, such as the additional Founder’s Pack Redemption, until you have created a character and are able to redeem in the new region,” Smilegate cautioned. In recompense for all of that, a bundle of in-game goodies will be given to all current Lost Ark players. This includes a snazzy horse, a skin for the Midsummer Night’s Dream instrument, healing items and more. This will be made available after the new server region is up and running, through until 1st March. Last week, former World of Warcraft veteran Bertie stuck his toe into Lost Ark and came away impressed: “How long this romping will continue, as the hulking MMO heart of the game comes into view, I don’t know,” he wrote after a few hours with Lost Ark. “But I’ve seen a bit of it and it hasn’t dampened my enthusiasm yet. I’m still powerful, I’m still smashing the lights out of anything that comes before me. So, I’m still impressed. Lost Ark is blowing up and I can totally see why.”