Over on Twitter, the official Nier Series account has confirmed that an “upgrade patch” for Steam is in development, and more information will be shared at a later date. The Steam version of Nier: Automata has famously struggled with performance and technical issues, and players have turned to community-made solutions such as Kaldaien’s “FAR” mod (Fix Automata Resolution) to solve these. After Nier: Automata was brought to Game Pass, some initially claimed that the Game Pass build was better than the Steam version, and this prompted players to review-bomb Nier: Automata on Steam. Digital Foundry examined the versions and concluded that the Steam problems can also be found on the Game Pass version, but it seems likely that the recent furore prompted PlatinumGames to speak up about its development plans.
The question is whether this patch will finally sort out the problems that have persisted since the game’s launch, or simply add some of the new features seen in the Game Pass version, such as a borderless video setting, FidelityFX options, HDR, and user interface textures upscaled to 4k. In an ideal world, I guess it would be all of the above. Either way, it’s good news for those who own Nier: Automata on Steam, who can look forward to their version finally getting some attention.