During an interview with PC Gamer, Newell was asked about the option of creating a subscription service such as Microsoft’s Game Pass for the Steam Deck. In response, Newell said: “I don’t think it’s something that we think we need to do ourselves, building a subscription service at this time. “But for [Microsoft’s] customers it’s clearly a popular option, and we’d be more than happy to work with them to get that on Steam.” Currently, Microsoft’s Game Pass subscription service for Windows and Xbox runs through its own app, and not Steam. These comments from Newell follow the announcement last week that Microsoft owned publisher Bethesda would be retiring its own PC launcher in May. From then on, all Bethesda games in a player’s Bethesda.net library will be available via Steam. In this case, Bethesda has stated it expects, “almost all save progress to be transferable automatically or manually with the exception of Wolfenstein: Youngblood, which currently is unable to transfer”. Eurogamer editor-in-chief Martin Robinson also had the chance to chat with Newell following the launch of Valve’s Steam Deck. Here, Newell discussed his thoughts for the Steam Deck’s future, and how he had been envisioning something like it since the 1990s. You can read more from Martin’s chat with Newell, as well as some of his own impressions of Steam Deck right here.